Decus Et Praesidium
"An Honour and a Guard"
The 175th Infantry Regiment Association
Membership Information
Who May Join?
Our Association welcomes all Soldiers who have ever served in the 175th Infantry Regiment and worn the "5th Pin" as well as anyone regardless of military service, who wants to support the 175th Infantry Regiment. Our categories of membership are: Regular, Associate, Inactive, and Honorary Members. All categories of members will receive the Regimental Newsletter and periodic mailings as well as invitations to all social events.
Membership Levels:
Regular Members: A person who is/was assigned, and served honorably within, any regimental lineage unit and is current in dues. Regular members may hold elected or appointed office. Currently serving members will have their dues waived.
Associate Members: A person who expresses a genuine interest in being associated with the Regiment, who is recommended by a regular member, approved by the HCOR, and maintains dues currency. Associate Members may hold office.
Inactive Members: A person who has served in a Regimental antecedent unit, but is not current in dues. Inactive Members may not hold office.
Honorary Members: A person who has been recognized as an Honorary Member of the Regiment in accordance with applicable regulatory authority for providing direct or indirect support to the mission of the Regiment. Honorary Members may not hold office and may not vote. Honorary Members are not required to pay dues.
Of the Association for the good of the Association.
Dues Structure:
(New as of: 1 OCT 2019)
Currently Serving in the 175th - Free
Veterans of the 175th - $30 per year
Active Military (But never served in the 175th) - $40 per year
Supporters of the 175th - $80 per year
Life Members - $200 onetime payment for Veterans of the 175th
$400 onetime payment for Active Military and Supporters
*Membership dues are renewed annually.