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Select your Membership
1-175th Soldier
0$ÂIf you are currently serving in the 1-175thValid for one year- Free Membership
- 10% discount on the Association store & events
Veteran of the 175th
30$Every yearIf you served in the 175th RegimentÂ- 10% off of the Association's Store and Events!
Active Military
40$Every yearIf you are actively serving in any branchÂ- 10% off of the Association Store and Events
80$Every yearFor civilians who want to support the 175th RegimentÂ- 10% off of the Association Store and Events
Lifetime Soldier
200$ÂFor all veterans of the 175th or currently servingÂ- Lifetime membership
- 10% off of the Association's Store and Events
Lifetime Supporter
400$ÂFor people who want to always support the 175thÂ- Lifetime Membership
- 10% off of the Association's Store and Events
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